Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Growth(and veryyy old pictures!)

Okay well, I know, I know. I feel so ashamed. I have pictures from APRIL 23rd that I still need to get on here! So that is EXACTLY what I'm going to do! ;) So, here are a WHOLE lot of miss and matched pictures! ;)

(baby morning dove)

(birthday present-bracelet)

(snail named Fred)

(maple leaf)

(birthday sparkler)

(birthday candles)

(my 13th birthday cake)

(Baltimore Oriole)


(My new bike)


(Coco, barn cat)

(This is a baby finch. Sooo cute. The other eggs hadn't hatched yet, but they will soon! :D)

Okay well, there are ALL the pictures I needed to post! Hope you enjoyed it!


  1. Fantastic photography Dreamstar! I love the first pic though! :D

  2. I agree with Alex, your a wonderful photographer!! :) I love the birds one and the bug one!!

  3. I LOVE THE PIC OF YOUR NEW BIKE! i would totally frame that and put it in my room!

  4. Thanks! And now that you mention it, I just might. ;)
