Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Lookout

Okay, during my March Break, I went on several walks. here are pictures from Friday and Saturday! Oh, and I'm going to post again soon. I'm entering [Laurea]'s photography contest. Some pics will be the same, cause I'm entering those too. :)


This is a cardinal I saw while on a walk. :)

There were two ducks in a little creek, and they were grooming themselves. It was very cute. :)

This is my dog, Daisy. I love this picture. the background looks great. :)

This is an old bird's nest!

 Me and my dad went to this "lookout" it wasn't made by the park. People just made it. But it is very lovely, even though a road is under it. :(

 Some little willowy things. :)

 These are some Morning Doves that were in my garden when I came home.


THIS IS THE LOOKOUT! That small log is what you sit on. I love it there. :)

The lookout again

And again. :)

There was a bridge, a small bridge. So I got this pic.

Chickadees on a bird feeder. Turned out great! :)

I have one last picture. But there's a story behind it. :) 

Me and my friend somehow got our teacher to get us a class pet! Don't know how, so don't ask. So we got a Super Delta Betta Fish. He's awesome. Very pretty. But anyways, we brought him to school today, and that's where he shall stay. The class named him "George". His full name is George Mick Fish. Nickname, Delta. I call him Delta cause he looks more like a Delta. :D But, here's George, 'Delta'.