Friday, March 12, 2010

Gloomy, Rainy Day

Yes, today was raining. It was a pretty gloomy day for the last day of school until March Break. But, all in all, no more school for a WEEK! I tried to get some pics, but I pretty much failed. I got a few, but then it started to pour right as I was getting into it. So I had to stop. the pictures aren't that great, just warning ya. But I do like a few. Be expecting many more photo's this week! It's March break for me, and I will be taking pictures as best as I can! :D

These reminded me of hot air balloons! So that is why i took it like this!

I really like this one. This is the last picture I took, cause then it started to rain. I need to get a better one later!

The "balloon" blowing in the wind!

There was a beautiful fog surrounding everything, and that's why I went to get pictures in the first place! To me is was the "perfect picture taking weather". lol

Well, that's all I have for you today! Tomorrow I will probably go out again, so be ready for more pics all though this week! :D


  1. Hi, I like the pictures in the fog. Very mysterious.

  2. The pictures in the fog look mysterious.

  3. Nice pictures :) The fog looks wonderful


  4. I LOVE it Dreamstar! I like how the fog makes everything look so......creepy! Also, i was wondering, scince i live out in the country, I could be an author for this blog too! I dont realluy wanna make a copy cat blog, so i wuz just wondering!
